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🏆 Canadian Championship (2004) Chess Event Description
Charbonneau won the ... [more]

Player: Robert Gardner

 page 1 of 1; 9 games  PGN Download 
Game  ResultMoves YearEvent/LocaleOpening
1. S Lipnowski vs R Gardner  ½-½622004Canadian ChampionshipA41 Queen's Pawn Game (with ...d6)
2. R Gardner vs D Y Peng 0-1352004Canadian ChampionshipB06 Robatsch
3. H Smith vs R Gardner  0-1402004Canadian ChampionshipB06 Robatsch
4. R Gardner vs O Tessier-Desrosiers  1-0772004Canadian ChampionshipB29 Sicilian, Nimzovich-Rubinstein
5. T Krnan vs R Gardner  0-1302004Canadian ChampionshipB09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
6. R Gardner vs S Gravel  ½-½622004Canadian ChampionshipD00 Queen's Pawn Game
7. J Ochkoos vs R Gardner  1-0602004Canadian ChampionshipB09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
8. R Gardner vs Z Quan 0-1382004Canadian ChampionshipA00 Uncommon Opening
9. H Masse vs R Gardner  ½-½222004Canadian ChampionshipA41 Queen's Pawn Game (with ...d6)
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Gardner wins | Gardner loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
Premium Chessgames Member We now have the games from the 2004 Canadian Championship won Pascal Charbonneau (see his games here: 77th Canadian Championship (2004)/Pascal Charbonneau)

This also includes some games from our very own Lawrence Day: 77th Canadian Championship (2004)/Lawrence Day

Oct-19-04  Knight13: Pascal Charbonneau won the Championship!?

As you can see, there are lots of Master Level players in this tournaments. Pascal Charbonneau won because he was a strong International Master. I can't believe Canadians are weak players! By the way, are there any GMs at Canada?

Thanks, <>, for posting the 77th Canadian Championship (2004), wich requires interesting games!

Oct-21-04  tldr3: <> Thanks for these games from the Canadian championship. However, the list of players at the top of the page is not sorted by highest rating. For example, Ozren Nezerovic does not have a rating of 2500 and I belive Sid Belzberg was the lowest rated player at the tournament not the # 2. Cheers
Oct-21-04  sandyobrien: i live in edmonton, alberta, canada(1 FM) and to my knowledge no GMs live in canada right now. i'm afraid all of the talent we get moves out pretty fast.

also, since we're not a very populous country, this doesn' t happen that often.

Oct-21-04  clapperrail: Kevin Spraggett is a GM. The CFC lists him as Toronto ON Canada
Oct-21-04  sandyobrien: gah, i can't believe i forgot about spraggett. i believe he is the only gm we have though. he is decently active, i think.

i think that tyomkin is a gm too now that i think about it.

Oct-21-04  ConLaMismaMano: Another canadian GM is Lesiege.
Oct-21-04  tldr3: <sandyobrien> Spraggett, Lesiege, Tyomkin and Suttles are Canadian grandmasters. Mark Bluvshtein has the 3 norms and the 2500 rating and will be given the GM title at the next FIDE meeting(age 16!) Pascal Charbonneau(Canadian champion) Igor Zugic and Yan Teplitsky all have several norms and may get titles depending on how they do during the olympics.
Oct-21-04  sandyobrien: <tldr3> cool, i assume they are all either from ontario or quebec.
Oct-21-04  Pawsome: LeSiege won a recent Canadian title, but he didn't play in the latest championship or at the Olympiad. His highest rating achievement was 2600+. He must be missed by the Canadians competing in Spain. Incidentally, Charbonneau is playing at the 2600 level on board one for the Canucks as of round 5.
Oct-22-04  ruylopez900: <Knight 13> Thanks for holding us in such high regard!

<Charbonneau> Belated congrats for winning the Closed, do Canada proud!

Canada has three current GMs, Spraggett, LeSiege and Tyomkin. Suttles is alive and has the GM title, but no longer plays chess.

Premium Chessgames Member
  tpstar: <ruylopez900> Please consider the possibility of an honest syntax error. Replace "can't" with "refuse to" and notice the difference. Either way, the intended meaning probably could have been stated more precisely, or at least more politely. Peace out.
Oct-24-04  sandyobrien: and apparently we have a new GM, at only 16 (also my age)

Mark Bluvshtein

Nov-08-04  ruylopez900: yes, congrats to Mark Bluvshtein for his GM title, makes it 4 active GMs now in Canada, though Spraggett and LeSiege seem to be at the end of their ball. Hopefully he can keep the beacon of Canadian Chess bright :)
Feb-01-05  schnarre: Though I reside below the border most of the time, I still make every endeavor to visit Canada (I have family in Calgary & Edmonton) when the opportunity presents itself. I do not hear much about Canadian Chess, & would like for this to change. Any tournaments in the near future?
Premium Chessgames Member
  Penguincw: Does have any other Canadian Championships?

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