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Julia Zinkevich
Number of games in database: 29
Years covered: 1998 to 2021
Last FIDE rating: 2178 (2028 rapid, 2001 blitz)
Highest rating achieved in database: 2214
Overall record: +10 -9 =10 (51.7%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games.

Repertoire Explorer
Most played openings
D91 Grunfeld, 5.Bg5 (2 games)
C05 French, Tarrasch (2 games)
A57 Benko Gambit (2 games)

   🏆 Sergiy Shystariov Rapid
   E Bogdanov vs J Zinkevich (Aug-28-21) 1-0, rapid

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FIDE player card for Julia Zinkevich

(born Aug-10-1984, 39 years old) Ukraine

[what is this?]

Julia Zinkevich, born Maiko, is a Woman International Master.

Last updated: 2021-10-30 17:43:19

Try our new games table.

 page 1 of 2; games 1-25 of 29  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves YearEvent/LocaleOpening
1. J Zinkevich vs T Melamed  ½-½281998UKR-ch (Women)A57 Benko Gambit
2. I Varitski vs J Zinkevich  1-0481999Ukrainian Team ChampionshipC05 French, Tarrasch
3. J Zinkevich vs E Kobylkin  ½-½431999Ukrainian Team ChampionshipC07 French, Tarrasch
4. E Andreev vs J Zinkevich  0-1461999Ukrainian Team ChampionshipC05 French, Tarrasch
5. L Akulov vs J Zinkevich  1-0481999Ukrainian Team ChampionshipD03 Torre Attack (Tartakower Variation)
6. J Zinkevich vs T Dornbusch  1-0641999UKR-ch U20 GirlsA57 Benko Gambit
7. J Zinkevich vs M Litynska  0-1551999Lvov (Women)B53 Sicilian
8. J Zinkevich vs M Manojlo  0-1381999Ukrainian Team ChampionshipD58 Queen's Gambit Declined, Tartakower (Makagonov-Bondarevsky) Syst
9. D Korol vs J Zinkevich  ½-½411999Ukrainian Team ChampionshipD51 Queen's Gambit Declined
10. J Zinkevich vs N Khomenko  ½-½4120008th Ukrainian Team ChampionshipA45 Queen's Pawn Game
11. S Cherednichenko vs J Zinkevich  ½-½572000UKR-ch U16WE38 Nimzo-Indian, Classical, 4...c5
12. J Zinkevich vs K Yastreb  1-06220008th Ukrainian Team ChampionshipE60 King's Indian Defense
13. J Zinkevich vs E Andreev  ½-½6020008th Ukrainian Team ChampionshipE11 Bogo-Indian Defense
14. J Zinkevich vs I Uhvarin  1-06320008th Ukrainian Team ChampionshipD91 Grunfeld, 5.Bg5
15. T Artemiev vs J Zinkevich  0-13320008th Ukrainian Team ChampionshipC17 French, Winawer, Advance
16. O Simukov vs J Zinkevich  ½-½720008th Ukrainian Team ChampionshipC01 French, Exchange
17. J Zinkevich vs A Polivanov  1-06320008th Ukrainian Team ChampionshipA46 Queen's Pawn Game
18. Lagno vs J Zinkevich  ½-½362001UKR tt U18 3rdB14 Caro-Kann, Panov-Botvinnik Attack
19. J Zinkevich vs Lagno  ½-½452002UKR-ch U20 GirlsE17 Queen's Indian
20. J Zinkevich vs E Harchenko  1-0422002Kaissa OpenA41 Queen's Pawn Game (with ...d6)
21. V Shalimov vs J Zinkevich  1-0512002Kaissa OpenD35 Queen's Gambit Declined
22. J Zinkevich vs B Guliaev  0-1402002Kaissa OpenD60 Queen's Gambit Declined, Orthodox Defense
23. M Soshnikov vs J Zinkevich  0-1422002Kaissa OpenD52 Queen's Gambit Declined
24. J Zinkevich vs V Dumchikov  1-0292002Kaissa OpenE10 Queen's Pawn Game
25. A Yeremenko vs J Zinkevich  ½-½242002Kaissa OpenE01 Catalan, Closed
 page 1 of 2; games 1-25 of 29  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Zinkevich wins | Zinkevich loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
Dec-11-06  stanleys: It's pretty hard(or even impossible) to play against a beautiful girl in such an outfit:

Dec-11-06  CoryLetain: great picture lmao.
Dec-11-06  Karpova: No, she played against a woman:

Another one:

A WIM from Ukraine. Interstingly enough, FIDE doesn't know her date of birth.

She could be her sister:

Premium Chessgames Member
  Stonehenge: Nice photo:

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