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Member since Jul-19-10
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   Bixel has kibitzed 8 times to chessgames  
   Aug-04-10 Fischer vs Myagmarsuren, 1967 (replies)
Bixel: 23... gxf6 24 exf6 Kh8 looks safe since a rook can slide to g8, but Nf3-g5 would put Black in a dismal position. I don't see how Black could accept the sacrifice and survive. Love this game.
   Jul-28-10 Team White vs Team Black, 2007 (replies)
Bixel: We need more Chess960!
   Jul-28-10 Fischer vs Larsen, 1971 (replies)
Bixel: IMO this could legitimately be called "The Game of the Century." Two titans in one of the most intense games ever played, with Bobby being one move away from checkmate at one point, but in the end proving that the bishop pair and passed pawn triumph over Larsen's lone queen. Maybe my ...
   Jul-23-10 Spassky vs Fischer, 1972 (replies)
Bixel: This is undoubtedly my favorite Fischer-Spassky game. Tense and well-fought in all the stages, and it ends with one of the most unique endgames ever. Spassky played well for the most part too, which makes it even better than famous Game 6.
   Jul-23-10 M Lowcki vs Tartakower, 1937 (replies)
Bixel: That is some great queen play.
   Jul-22-10 Michael Basman (replies)
Bixel: Basman's awesome. He really Grobs the opponent and doesn't let go!
   Jul-22-10 Fischerandom Chess (replies)
Bixel: Chess960 is great. I pretty much play it exclusively now.
   Jul-22-10 Spassky vs Fischer, 1972 (replies)
Bixel: Great Spassky victory! The only time he outplayed Fischer and won in the whole WC match. It also reminds me of Bobby's sole loss to Petrosian in Buenos Aires.
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