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Member since Apr-12-08 · Last seen Mar-07-19
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   Gnappo83 has kibitzed 24 times to chessgames   [more...]
   Jun-29-17 I Salgado Lopez vs J Zawadzka, 2017
Gnappo83: Wow!!!! What a game and what a shot 21.g6!!! Of course d6 is tabu because the Rook must defend c2, but it's genius to push a pawn on a square controlled 3 times. It's true that the pawn in h7 can't move, and that g6 is substained by the Rook, but.... now d6 is not so tabu ...
   Apr-30-14 Eljanov vs G Guseinov, 2014
Gnappo83: After 16.Bd4 it seems better to hit the target previously searched (e4) with 16...fxe4 17.Bxe4 leaving the c5 square for the knight. 16...c5 gives White a confortable endgame : queenside is blocked for Black, the d6 pawn is weak. Even 19...Bxd3 20.Qxd3 Ne5 seems not beautiful for ...
   Feb-27-10 I Sokolov vs F Steil-Antoni, 2010
Gnappo83: The simplification following 17...d5 clears the way for White. White has a pawn and three pieces controlling the d5 square, with a strong Bishop in g2, that doesn't allow the entry of the Rook in d5, forcing the c pawn to go in d5 and opening the "c" line, where... Black can't put ...
   Oct-02-09 Pearl Spring Chess Tournament (2009) (replies)
Gnappo83: CARLSEN - RADJABOV : 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 e6 4.0-0 Nge7 5.c3 a6 6.Ba4 b5 7.Bc2 Bb7 8.Qe2 d5 9.e5 d4 10.Be4 Qb6 11.d3 Rd8 12.a4 Nd5 13.axb5 axb5 14.cxd4 cxd4 15.Nbd2 Nf4 16.Qd1 Nb4 17.Nb3 Bxe4 18.dxe4 Nfd3 19.Bg5 Rc8 20.Nfxd4 Nxb2 ...
   Aug-12-09 Ivanchuk vs E Alekseev, 2009 (replies)
Gnappo83: Great game! Wonderful! A pawn's sac, another pawn's sac, a knight's sac, and than a lost position for Black: W O N D E R F U L
   Aug-11-09 FIDE Jermuk Grand Prix (2009) (replies)
Gnappo83: in my opinion, there's a mistake in the transmission of the moves.... and Jako played Nxb4 and not Nxc5 that is clearly lost, because White can play the knight in e4 defending the pawn and after the capture of the blak pawn, go with the king to help the white pawn to be promoted.
   Jul-11-09 Dortmund Sparkassen (2009) (replies)
Gnappo83: can anyone write the moves of jakovenko-kramnik starting from the 32nd?
   Jun-21-09 Bazna Tournament (2009) (replies)
Gnappo83: Ivanchuk-Shirov: interesting sac by shirov. a knight for 3 pawns, 2 passed ones. However, Ivanchuk should manage to change everything and playing Rc7, manovring the knight to f7 (it will capture a rook in c2, the bishop in d4, than c6-e5-f7), aiming at perpetual
   May-23-09 M-Tel Masters (2009) (replies)
Gnappo83: I am happy for Shirov, a brave player who lived a ugly moments full of defeats. This is a very prestigious win for him .
   Apr-29-09 4th FIDE Grand Prix (2009) (replies)
Gnappo83: where can we see the right moves?
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