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🏆 Corus Group A (2006) Chess Event Description
Played in Wijk aan Zee, the Netherlands, 14-29 January 2006. Rest days: 18, 23 and 26 January. The rounds began at 1:30 pm, except the last round which began at 0:30 pm. Time control: 120 minutes for the first 40 moves, then 60 more minutes for the next 20 moves, followed by 30 more minutes to finish the game. Tournament category: XIX (2716). Tournament director: Jeroen van den Berg. Chief arbiter: Thomas van Beekum. ... [more]

Player: Gata Kamsky

 page 1 of 1; 13 games  PGN Download 
Game  ResultMoves YearEvent/LocaleOpening
1. Topalov vs Kamsky 1-0252006Corus Group AB01 Scandinavian
2. Kamsky vs Gelfand 1-0412006Corus Group AD17 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
3. Karjakin vs Kamsky 1-0322006Corus Group AB42 Sicilian, Kan
4. Kamsky vs Aronian 0-1722006Corus Group AC85 Ruy Lopez, Exchange Variation Doubly Deferred (DERLD)
5. Ivanchuk vs Kamsky 1-0542006Corus Group AB42 Sicilian, Kan
6. Kamsky vs Anand 1-0472006Corus Group AD20 Queen's Gambit Accepted
7. Leko vs Kamsky 1-0462006Corus Group AC97 Ruy Lopez, Closed, Chigorin
8. I Sokolov vs Kamsky ½-½232006Corus Group AD15 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
9. Kamsky vs Adams 0-1402006Corus Group AE17 Queen's Indian
10. Bacrot vs Kamsky 1-0462006Corus Group AB42 Sicilian, Kan
11. Kamsky vs Van Wely 1-0512006Corus Group AB84 Sicilian, Scheveningen
12. Mamedyarov vs Kamsky 0-1482006Corus Group AD10 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
13. Kamsky vs Tiviakov 0-1432006Corus Group AB01 Scandinavian
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Kamsky wins | Kamsky loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
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Jan-31-06  Reisswolf: Thanks Jeff. And thanks to Bobak too.
Jan-31-06  CowardlyKnight: <If Carlsen was in the A group instead of Karjakin, how do you people think he would have done in comparison?> Just look at his games on the B group... He was extremely lucky to have won.
Jan-31-06  LancelotduLac: My vote for best games (in order):

1. Topalov-Aronian
2. Anand-Gelfand
3. Topalov-Mamedyarov

Jan-31-06  madserg: The best game: Topalov-Aronian.

Second best game: Anand-Gelfand

Jan-31-06  sheaf: my vote for the best game Karjakin vs Anand, 2006

Anand vs Gelfand, 2006
and Topalov vs Aronian, 2006 tied for the second best place

although all three of these games were home prepared novelties

Jan-31-06  Bobak Zahmat: <CowardlyKnight> We never can predict what 'could'happen if Carlsen was playing in Group A. Because be honest: who had predicted such a wonderfull tournament for Karjakin? None! Carlsen will surely be ready next year to compete with the best players!
Jan-31-06  KingG: <Because be honest: who had predicted such a wonderfull tournament for Karjakin?> Actually, i expected Karjakin to do quite well. I was more surprised by Carlsen finishing joint first in the B group.
Jan-31-06  peabody88: <plang> In the official web site it states that the Open International has been cancelled, there is no such indication on the Linares part on the same page;.

Jan-31-06  MeatGrinder: The 3 best games imo:

1. Topalov - Aronian
2. Van Vely - Topalov
3. Karjakin - Anand

Premium Chessgames Member
  lostemperor: Ok here the results of the predictioncontest on final standings for Corus 2006. The contest is held at my chess forum. But a part of the result is posted here. Also thanks to YouRang who makes calculating things easier. The tournament was exciting till the end!

Two winners:
170 points: <Ezzy> and <percyblakeney> Congratulations guys!

3. 169 points <Tassadar>

4. 167 points <dimradil>

5. 166 points <LancelotduLac>

6. 165 points <AdrianP>, <kolobok>

8. 163 points <larsker>, <lostemperor>

10. 162 points <twinlark>

11. 161 points <chessmaster pro>, <cu8sfan>, <pim>, <suenteus po 147>, <Where is my mind>.

Jan-31-06  YouRang: I posted some experimental results of the chess games prediction contest in my chessforum at User: YouRang

These results consider the idea of weighting decided games more than drawn games.

Feb-01-06  Ezzy: Wow! Joint winner of <lostemperors> famous final standings prediction contest. Congratulations to <percyblakeny> for his winning performance! This is my first win and I am so pleased, because this year did seem to be a difficult task. I will definately have a few beers tonight!

Thanks <lostemperor> for providing a competition which enhances our enjoyment of these major super tournaments.

Corus 2006 was absolutely enthralling, with an exciting race to the finishing line. Topalov and Anand are proving to be the dominant force in world chess, and it will be fascinating to see their struggle for dominance over the next few years.

Adams return to form is encouraging for us Brits. Also thanks to Adams for returning to form and giving my prediction points a boost, which I am sure did help me in doing so well in the prediction contest.

Karjakin was magnificent and should be invited back next year!

Best game of the tournament was - Topalov vs Aronian, 2006 - Which is an early contender for game of the year.

There were many fantastic games in a fantastic tournament. Corus is a special tournament, so thanks to everyone who kibitzed on this page, because as always it is great fun and informative to read everyones comments. It all adds to the enjoyment of the tournament. Cheers!

Feb-01-06  svbabu: <Reisswolf: Can someone please help me? I have a question. If you go to>

Thats points in case of tie breaks.

Feb-02-06  badest: An interview with Topalov about Corus
A quick translation:

Q: Happy with your own performance?
Topa: Yes, I was +2 last year, this year +5.
I was also able to use some variations developed for San Luis (doesn't say which games).

Q: Your best games?
Topa: Aronian and Van Wely.

Q: Performance of other players?
Topa: Anand solid as usual, Karjakin also impressive.

Q: Next competitions?
Topa: Linares, Monaco and MTel.

Q: Why play Linares, Anand is not?
Topa: People expect the World Champion to play in the big tournaments.

Q: Who would you play for a title match?
Topa: Anyone that can raise 2M USD and is ranked over 2700.

Feb-03-06  walker: funny...
Feb-03-06  EmperorAtahualpa: <Q: Next competitions?
Topa: Linares, Monaco and MTel.>

Monaco, that's the blindfold tournament, right?

Feb-03-06  EmperorAtahualpa: <funny...;

<walker> Yeah, I saw that on television. :) She's gorgeous, by the way.

Feb-03-06  jhoro: <walker: funny... >

under this picture

it reads <She asks a somewhat flabbergasted Topalov if she can smoke...>. And he answers <Nee hoor.>. I guess "Nee" is not, but what is "hoor"?

Feb-03-06  jhoro: btw translates
<Vind je het erg als ik rook?> as
<Do you find it terrible if I smelled?>
Feb-03-06  monad: < jhoro: babelfishtranslates
<Vind je het erg als ik rook?> as <Do you find it terrible if I smelled?>

LOL. Very apt indeed!
I would have answered: "Would you mind if I broke wind ?"

Feb-03-06  EmperorAtahualpa: <translates
<Vind je het erg als ik rook?> as <Do you find it terrible if I smelled?>>

<jhoro> LOL!!!!!!! Stupid online translators.... "Vind je het erg als ik rook?" is supposed to translate as "Do you mind if I smoke?" :)

by the way "nee hoor" loosely translates as "no, not at all".

Feb-03-06  EmperorAtahualpa: <jhoro> Oh oops, I see now you already figured out yourself what the correct translation is....never mind.
Feb-05-06  DeepBlade: hahahah verry funny!

My maths teacher says ''Computers are stupid things, they do what you want them to do, they do what they were programmed to do. If you say ''Jump off a cliff'' he would probably do that too.''

Dutch math teachers are the bestest!

Feb-04-06  notsodeepthought: <monad: < jhoro: Do you find it terrible if I smelled?> LOL. Very apt indeed!
I would have answered: "Would you mind if I broke wind ?">

Reminds me of the old limerick - in which the fourth line below gets censored by <>, but you'll have no trouble figuring out the "bleeped" word:

Said the duchess, while having some tea,
"My dear sir, do you fart when you pee?"
I replied with some wit
"Do you belch when you @#$%?"
And I think that was one up by me.

Feb-06-06  Bobak Zahmat: On saturday 28th I played in Wijk Aan Zee the SUPERCHESS. I had never before played this variation of chess, but I did enjoy to participate. In SUPERCHESS you have to replace 4 pieces by 4 SUPER pieces.

Amazone: moves like Knight & Queen
Veteran: moves like Knight & King
Princess: moves like Knight & Bishop
Empress: moves like Knight & Rook

This sort of chess is great, because each player have equal chances in the opening.

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