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🏆 Batumi Olympiad (Women) (2018) Chess Event Description
The 43rd FIDE World Chess Olympiad took place from 24 September to 5 October 2018 in Batumi, Georgia. The biennial tournament is an 11-round Swiss open, with one rest day on 29 September. The open section of the ... [more]

Player: Sheila Barth Stanford

 page 1 of 1; 8 games  PGN Download 
Game  ResultMoves YearEvent/LocaleOpening
1. Gadalla Karar Sara vs S Barth Stanford  0-1262018Batumi Olympiad (Women)D02 Queen's Pawn Game
2. B Khotenashvili vs S Barth Stanford 1-0332018Batumi Olympiad (Women)D19 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, Dutch
3. S Barth Stanford vs P Alvarez Gutierrez  1-0202018Batumi Olympiad (Women)B13 Caro-Kann, Exchange
4. S Barth Stanford vs A Haast  0-1642018Batumi Olympiad (Women)D02 Queen's Pawn Game
5. B Zairbek kyzy vs S Barth Stanford  0-1422018Batumi Olympiad (Women)B10 Caro-Kann
6. Ali Roy vs S Barth Stanford  0-1352018Batumi Olympiad (Women)A04 Reti Opening
7. S Barth Stanford vs F Osmanodja  ½-½452018Batumi Olympiad (Women)A13 English
8. M M Fisher vs S Barth Stanford  ½-½522018Batumi Olympiad (Women)A21 English
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Barth Stanford wins | Barth Stanford loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
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Oct-01-18  zanzibar: I was hoping to handle this section similarly to the Open section, but I've hit a big snag - some of the teams (or at least one) have unoccupied boards.

All my code depended on having the FIDE id available for both sides for all the games - since the official PGN download doesn't include Team tags in the PGN.

So there'll be a delay...

Oct-01-18  zanzibar: <RE: tiebreaks>

The 2nd tie-break method, tb2, is sometimes referred to as


sometime qualified with <(Khanty-Mansiysk)> (K-M aside)

Here's the issue, the tb2 method involves throwing out the opponent with the lowest-result - but doesn't that lead to a boot-strapping problem if the lowest-result itself involves a tie-break?

How does one truly calculate the tie-break?

Look at the bottom of this page to see a very brief description of the four tie-breaks used in the Olympiad:


Oct-01-18  optimal play: Australia lost to Spain 3-1 but should have an easier match against Paraguay next round.

Seeded 33rd, after a good start rising to 8th, the Australians have since dropped down to 65th, whilst the Paraguans are at 76th.

Oct-01-18  zanzibar: Follow-up to tie-break question:

43rd Chess Olympiad (2018) (kibitz #437)


Oct-02-18  Count Wedgemore: A new and exciting update on the Scandinavian Women teams after eight rounds played:

Norway Women is now at 40th place, which is roughly around where they are to be expected according to ratings. In round 8, our girls took care of Scotland, soundly defeating them 3-1. Their next opponent will be much, much tougher: Germany.

Sweden's Women team is at 42nd place, slightly better than their overall rating would suggest. Their top board player, Inna Agrest, is having a fine tournament so far, scoring 6/8.

The Danish women are struggling, down in a disappointing 84th place. They are clearly underperforming, given that they are the 49th ranked team in the tournament. Their next opponent, Syria, should be a formality, though. At least on paper.

Oct-02-18  optimal play: Australia defeated Paraguay 3-1 but will have stronger opposition next round against Switzerland.

We came into the Olympiad seeded 33rd and are currently running 45th (same as the men).

I'm not sure how many rounds are remaining but hopefully we can finish in the top 40.

Oct-04-18  Gudrun: 10 rounds
Premium Chessgames Member
  Octavia: < In round 8, our girls took care of Scotland, soundly defeating them 3-1.> 3-1 is hardly sound! Scotland has Ketevan Arakhamia on bd 1. She used to play for the Scottish open & has won the Scottish championship a few times! She should still play in the Open. But this year she's enjoying herself especially because she comes from Georgia.
Oct-04-18  Granny O Doul: <3-1 is hardly sound!>

? It's pretty far from unsound.

Oct-04-18  optimal play: Australia defeated Venezuela 3-1 and play Philippines in the last round.

Hopefully we can finish in the top 50!

I'd like to see Ukraine win the gold medal although they'll have to beat the USA and hope China and Russia draw.

Oct-04-18  shakh.i.shekh: The U.S. - Ukraine women's match will feature 6 women from Ukraine! Four playing for Ukraine and 2 Ukrainian ex-pats playing for U.S.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Sally Simpson: Keti Arakhamia-Grant (Scotland) has finished with a score of 10½ pts from 11 games on board 0ne.
Oct-05-18  dumbgai: Congratulations to China for winning the gold medal in both the open and women's events (both by tiebreak).

Ju Wenjun scored 7/9 on board 1 and had the highest performance rating in the women's section (2661).

Premium Chessgames Member
  Sally Simpson: Alexandra Kosteniuk in the last games to finish v Wenjun Ju tried to claim a three fold rep.

It was knocked back and Wenjun was given an extra two minutes. Upon resumption Alexandra possibly flustered, blundered and it was all over.

If Alexandra had drawn Ukraine win the gold, she lost, Russia came 4th.

Smashing tournament, down to the last game and an invalid three fold rep claim.

Oct-05-18  dumbgai: The Russian women really did themselves in by losing 2 matches in the first 6 rounds, including to the much lower ranked Uzbekistan team.
Oct-05-18  sonia91: Russians can console themselves by winning the gold in the category A. They finished 4th also in Baku.
Oct-05-18  optimal play: Congratulations to China.

Australia finished with a win over the Philippines 3-1 and ended up 44th which is 11 places below our seeding, so is rather disappointing.

Better luck next time girls.

Oct-05-18  Count Wedgemore: Here is a final summary of the Scandinavian Women teams:

Norway ended up almost exactly as expected: our girls, who were the 48th ranked team, took 51th place. That's OK. Our Board 1 player, Olga Dolzhikova, had a fine tournament throughout. In rd.9 she beat Germany's Elisabeth Paehtz, the World's female no.10. That was a nice scalp, Olga!

The Swedish girls landed on 56th place. Like Norway, they did approximately as expected according to ratings.

Denmark Women did not have a good tournament, ending up on 84th place. They lost their final match to Singapore (1.5-2.5), after their player on Board 4 lost to a much lower-ranked player. A sad finish to the tournamenst for 'de Danske piger'.

Premium Chessgames Member
  HeMateMe: <Our Board 1 player, Olga Dolzhikova, had a fine tournament >

Sounds like a Russian émigré?

Oct-05-18  Count Wedgemore: <HMM> She is originally from Ukraine.
Premium Chessgames Member
  HeMateMe: do these players get a stipend, for being on the Norwegian national team?
Oct-06-18  sonia91: The gold medal for board 5 was won by Alshaeby Boshra (1979) from Jordania, who won all the eight games she played for a performance of 2568, but the opposition was rather weak (all her opponents were lower rated than her).
Oct-06-18  Count Wedgemore: <HeMateMe: do these players get a stipend, for being on the Norwegian national team?>

If only. I assume the players in the Olympiad, whether it's the Open team or the Woman team, did not have to the pay for the trip, but that's about it. In fact, the lack of financial compensation was one of the main reasons for Jon Ludvig Hammer's decision to abstain from participating this time around.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Sally Simpson: In some cases the players will have to pay their way and then get the money back from FIDE (good luck with that.) Here is a tale of financial woe from the last Olympiad.

Premium Chessgames Member
  HeMateMe: country federations treat chess like it's a college intramural sport. They should at least provide a living wage. At this level of skill chess is more than just a hobby.
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