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Svetozar Gligoric vs Jan Timman
Bugojno (1980), Bugojno YUG, rd 4, May-??
Nimzo-Indian Defense: St. Petersburg Variation (E43)  ·  0-1



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Kibitzer's Corner
Dec-23-05  sucaba: 85. ♕e5+ #64, 85. ♔f7 =, 85. ♔f6 =, 85. ♔e5 =.

85. _ ♔d2! .

86. ♕h2+ #46, 86. ♕f4! =.

86. _ ♔d1!.

88. ♕e3 =, 88. _ ♕g3 #28, 88. _ ♕d6+ #31, 88. _ ♕c3+ #46.

89. ♔f5 #14, 89. ♕h2+! =.

An "!" indicates an only move. (Nalimov tablebase)

Premium Chessgames Member
  kbob: In his book the Nimzo, Gligoric castigated himself for 13. Bxc5, pointing to 13. Rb1 in his later game Gligoric vs Bukic, 1980 as the correct path
Mar-21-21  nummerzwei: As pointed out by <sucaba>, the queen endgame was drawn most of the time. Still, from a practical and contemporary point of view, it was better for White to keep his king in the a8-corner.

A sounder defensive method was 81.Qh3, e.g. 81...Qg7+ 82.Ka8 Qg3 83.Qe6 h3 84.Qb6+ Kc4 85.Qc7+! Qxc7 stalemate.

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Featured in the Following Game Collections[what is this?]
Round Four, Game #20
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from The Nimzo-Indian Defence (Gligoric) by Chessdreamer
Game 67
from The Nimzo-Indian Defence (Gligoric) by doug27
Game 67
from 15 Nimzo-Indian Defence (Gligoric) by Littlejohn
White lost at move 89 (pawn on h3)
from Queen endgames by DaltriDiluvi

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