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Juan Sena vs Tony Palmer
Pan-American Championship (1990), Boston, MA USA, rd 6, Dec-30
Spanish Game: Open. Bernstein Variation (C80)  ·  0-1



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Kibitzer's Corner
Aug-03-05  Runemaster: The last five moves are particularly nice. 30...Ra6 must have been an enjoyable move to make.
Aug-03-05  Shams: yes, very nice. tpstar, you should annotate this for us.

white may have had better chances with 30.Bf6 Qb1+ 31.Kh2 Rg8 32.Qxd5, for example 32...Bg6 33.Qd4 Qe4 34.Qb2 or some such.

Aug-04-05  Runemaster: <Shams> I think the trouble with 30.Bf6 is 30...Qc1+ 31.Kh2 Qf4+ winning the rook on c7.
Aug-04-05  gambeteer: Obviously 20. Rxc7 is a bad move. White would have done much better playing b3, followed by something like Qe3 after black's queen taking the a-pawn and make the most of the bad positioning of the black lady. Still have to analyse though
Aug-04-05  ramdaz: 32 Kh2 b2
33 Qh6+ Kg8
34 Qxg7++

White wins!

Premium Chessgames Member
  tpstar: <ramdaz> 32. Kh2 Qe5+ & 33 ... Qxc7 and Black stands better.

Thank you all very much for reviewing my game. This was an exciting finish from the Pan-Ams = the annual college team championship. He totally missed the point of 30 ... Ra6! until too late.

Premium Chessgames Member
  tpstar: Like the crack of a whip (1. e4 e5) I snap attack (2. Nf3 Nc6)/Front to back (3. Bb5 a6), in this thing called rap (4. Ba4 Nf6)/Dig it like a shovel (5. 0-0 Nxe4), rhyme devil on a heavenly level (6. d4 b5)/Bang the bass (7. Bb3 d5), turn up the treble (8. de Be6)/Radical mind (9. Nbd2 Nc5) day and night (10. c3 Nxb3) all the time (11. Nxb3 Be7)/Seven to fourteen (12. Qe2 0-0), wise divine (13. Nfd4 Nxd4)/Maniac (14. cxd4), Brainiac [last book move], winning the game (14 ... Qd7)/I'm the lyrical Jesse James (15. Bd2 h5)/It's gettin' [15 ... Bg4 16. Qd3 =], it's gettin' (16. Rac1 h4), it's gettin' kinda heavy (17. h3 b4)/It's gettin' [17 ... Bf5 18. Rfe1 ], it's gettin' (18. Nc5 Bxc5), it's gettin' kinda heavy (19. Rxc5)/I'VE GOT THE POWER (19 ... Qa4)/He could break my heart (20. Rxc7), he could break my heart apart [20. Qh5 Qxa2 21. Bxb4 Qxb2 ]/He's got The Power (20 ... b3)/It's gettin' (21. a3), it's gettin' [21. Bc3!? ba 22. Ra1 ], it's gettin' kinda hectic (21 ... Qxd4) [=]/It's gettin' (22. Bb4 Rfc8), it's gettin' (23. Rfc1 Rxc7), it's gettin' kinda hectic (24. Rxc7 a5)/Quality (25. Be7 Bf5) I possess (26. Rc3 Bc2), some say I'm fresh [26 ... Rb8 27. Rc6 =]/When my voice (27. e6 fe) goes through the mesh (28. Qxe6+ Kh7)/Of the microphone (29. Rc7 Qxb2) that I am holdin' (30. Bg5 Ra6)/Copywritten lyrics so they can't be stolen [30 ... Rf8 31. Qd6 Re8 ]/If they are (31. Qxa6?), SNAP! [31. Qg4 Kg8 32. Rc8+ Kf7 33. Qh5+ Bg6 34. Qh8]/Don't need the police to try to save them (31 ... Qa1+), your voice will sink (32. Qf1)/So please [32. Kh2 Qe5+ 33. Kg1 Qxc7 34. Qe2 ], stay off my back (32 ... b2)/Or I will attack (33. Rb7), and you don't want that (33 ... Bd3)/I'VE GOT THE POWER (0-1) - Snap! + Fritz 7, "The Power"
Feb-16-06  Frankly: Nice game for Black in the 9Nbd2 open Ruy Lopez. Some lovely touches.
Mar-06-06  hitman84: <tpstar>very nice game... 30...Ra6!! and a great finish Bd3!!

I wish to play you sometime :)

Premium Chessgames Member
  juan31: Nice finale

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