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Igor Foygel vs Alan Shaw
Monadnock Grand Prix Open (2000), Peterborough, NH USA, rd 3, Oct-29
French Defense: King's Indian Attack (C00)  ·  1-0



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Kibitzer's Corner
Mar-06-14  PMI: Kasparov vs Taimanov, 1978
Premium Chessgames Member
  Domdaniel: "Foygel, Don't Bother Me"...
Premium Chessgames Member
  perfidious: <Dom> I had expected Foygel to open 1.d4, as he had against the young Nakamura at the New Hampshire Open, three months before--he had played 4.Nf3 and 5.Bg5 against Naka's Gruenfeld and gotten an inferior position before managing to win.

Then came 1.e4 and I thought of responding 1....c6, which could not have gone any worse than the actual game.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Domdaniel: <perf> Yep, one of those slight embarrassments we've all had in tournament play. I remember playing a French with ...g6 (something you've also tried, I think?) and having to resign around move 14. My opponent, a strong 2200 player, congratulated me on my originality, then showed where I'd gone wrong.

In recent years I've tried not to lose miniatures. There have been a couple in the low twenties, but thankfully nothing more drastic.

Then again, I don't win many miniatures either. I thought I was heading for one in a match last week, but my opponent hung on to move 30 despite a growing material deficit.

Premium Chessgames Member
  Domdaniel: Thinking back, I have a feeling the game I lost in 14 moves was also a French vs KIA, with a double fianchetto by Black. I don't have the score, but the shape of the thing is burned into my cortex.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Domdaniel: <perf> Was this your only game with Foygel?
Premium Chessgames Member
  perfidious: <Dom> It was--last time I saw Igor was some months later at Foxwoods, just at the time I turned to poker. Nice, mild-mannered man.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Check It Out: <perf> clearly the light squares and pin on your knight are big trouble, but what is the follow up here that caused you to resign?
Jul-23-17  ChessHigherCat: Curses, Foygeled again. He may be nice and mild-mannered but his alter ego sure knows how to jump on any weaknesses on the chessboard. Maybe you should have tried 9. Bg5+ to make him block the long diagonal and then 0-0-0.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Fusilli: <Check it out> White is threatening both Rd1 and Nh4. It looks like black has to play b5 or Ne7 followed by b5 to survive, but his position is still very inferior. He will likely lose decisive material.

<ChessHigherCat> I don't understand your comment. 9.Bg5 is only a legal move for white, it's not check, and White was not <perfidious> and has no need to improve his moves here.

Jul-23-17  ChessHigherCat: <<Fusilli: ChessHigherCat> I don't understand your comment. 9.Bg5 is only a legal move for white, it's not check, and White was not <perfidious> and has no need to improve his moves here.>

You're absolutely right, sorry, I was in the middle of translating some complicated witness testimony and I mixed everything up. The real question is how black lost after 11...Bxd3, Alan seemed much better there. Maybe he should have played 11...Qxd3 to avoid the pin?

Premium Chessgames Member
  Fusilli: <CHC> If 11...Qxd3, what I see is 12.Qxd3 Bxd3 13.Nd6+ Ke7 14.Ng5, and it looks like black is in trouble. White has better development and the long diagonal... a dangerous situation for black.

I'm glad you messed up your comment here instead of the translation of the witness testimony! Oh, wait... maybe you should check the witness testimony? :)

Jul-25-17  ChessHigherCat: <Fusilli> I'm glad you messed up your comment here instead of the translation of the witness testimony! Oh, wait... maybe you should check the witness testimony? :)>

Damn, you're right, the guy was a white CEO, not a black bishop!

Premium Chessgames Member
  perfidious: <FSR>, in your line, what is wrong with 14....b5 15.Qxb5 Rb8 16.Bxb8?
Premium Chessgames Member
  FSR: <perfidious> Oh yeah, that is playable too. (facepalm)
Premium Chessgames Member
  perfidious: To say that Black's play was suboptimal would be an insult to poor play; 5....g6 was weak and matters went downhill quickly from there.

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