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Vladimir Kramnik vs Vasyl Ivanchuk
16th Amber Tournament (Rapid) (2007) (rapid), Monaco, rd 5, Mar-22
English Opening: Anglo-Indian Defense. Nimzo-English Opening (A17)  ·  0-1



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Kibitzer's Corner
Mar-22-07  russep: Another win with this variation for Ivanchuk
Mar-22-07  s4life: chuky saw deeper here.. great stuff.
Mar-22-07  acirce: Kramnik played like crap
Mar-22-07  badest: Not like a usual Kramnik-game. But great chess by Chucky! Way to go!! I guess Kramnik did not like the f3 pawn... :)
Mar-22-07  dehanne: Why did Kramnik play on with a piece down? Was Ivanchuk in time trouble?
Mar-22-07  square dance: i just dont get the point of tying yourself down to a doubled pawn. i would always rather have activity than an extra doubled pawn.
Mar-22-07  Gouki: the funny thing is i bet 50 chessbucks on Kramnik to win this game :D


maybe i can try my luck with anand....

Mar-22-07  s4life: <dehanne: Why did Kramnik play on with a piece down? Was Ivanchuk in time trouble?>

Who knows, chuky wasn't in any time trouble...

Mar-23-07  acirce: <186,000 miles per second, piffle. It was Vassily Ivanchuk showing off some speed and flash today at the Melody Amber tournament with a remarkably high-class effort against world champion Vladimir Kramnik in their rapid game. Big Vlad was the clear leader of the combined standings going into today's fifth round, but it was Chucky's day to shine. He outplayed Kramnik with the black pieces in what Garry Kasparov called, "a brilliant game. He may blunder everything tomorrow but today he was a genius!" Kasparov highlighted the move 11..b5! for special praise, disrupting the white flank. After that Black steadily took over the position. It was all finely calculated out to 26..Nb6! and Black keeps the piece. Not spectacular, but as rarely as you see Kramnik lose, you even more rarely see him squeezed like this with white.>

Mar-23-07  Marmot PFL: Why doesn't Kasparov play here? He wouldn't be risking any rating points.
Mar-23-07  sahmattr: To Marmot PFL: Kasparov quit attending tournaments... It strikes me that Ivanchuk could be the next world champion.
Apr-25-07  DutchDunce: <It strikes me that Ivanchuk could be the next world champion.> Would be nice, but the consistency just isn't there. When Chucky is on his game, he is perhaps the most ingenious player alive. Kasparov could not beat him in their last 10 games. Sadly, that Chucky can disappear at any moment, replaced by a much shakier version. It's like Jekyll & Hyde.

Morozevich used to be even be more extreme in this regard, but has shown some pretty impressive results the past couple of years. Perhaps he is stabilizing?

Oct-04-07  notyetagm: A simply awesome game by Ivanchuk.
Oct-04-07  KamikazeAttack: <notyetagm: A simply awesome game by Ivanchuk.>

Chucky proving his greatness over Kramnik once again.

May-25-09  ski: 39... Rb2 is such a beautiful move.
Apr-25-11  lost in space:

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White was outplayed in 26 moves....and the starting point was without any doubt 11...b5

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