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Dexter Thompson
Number of games in database: 13
Years covered: 1983 to 1994
Last FIDE rating: 1594 (1568 rapid)
Overall record: +8 -3 =2 (69.2%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games.

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B00 Uncommon King's Pawn Opening (2 games)

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(born 1960) United States of America

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Game  ResultMoves YearEvent/LocaleOpening
1. D Thompson vs B Finegold 1-0771983Ann Arbor ch-MI opB00 Uncommon King's Pawn Opening
2. James Owens vs D Thompson  0-1371990Detroit-ch MI opC45 Scotch Game
3. D Thompson vs W Cohen  1-024199293rd US OpenB21 Sicilian, 2.f4 and 2.d4
4. E J Williams vs D Thompson ½-½84199293rd US OpenA52 Budapest Gambit
5. D Thompson vs L Dangremond  1-050199293rd US OpenC54 Giuoco Piano
6. R Wydryck vs D Thompson  0-150199293rd US OpenC78 Ruy Lopez
7. D Thompson vs W Cornwall  1-040199293rd US OpenB09 Pirc, Austrian Attack
8. A Littke vs D Thompson  ½-½48199293rd US OpenE10 Queen's Pawn Game
9. D Thompson vs R Finegold  1-064199293rd US OpenB00 Uncommon King's Pawn Opening
10. Kudrin vs D Thompson  1-031199293rd US OpenC90 Ruy Lopez, Closed
11. D Thompson vs A Beaver  1-073199293rd US OpenC43 Petrov, Modern Attack
12. F Gabbara vs D Thompson  1-051199293rd US OpenC68 Ruy Lopez, Exchange
13. D Thompson vs D Moody 0-1291994East Detroit OpenB01 Scandinavian
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Thompson wins | Thompson loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
Premium Chessgames Member
  GrahamClayton: Thompson moved to Japan for work in the early 2000's, and became one of the top players in the country. Is he still residing in Japan, as well as still playing chess?

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