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🏆 London (1975) Chess Event Description
A category VIII round robin tournament was held in London, England from 17-28 August, 1975. The field was composed of four grandmasters, Andras Adorjan, Jan Timman, Gyula Sax, and Gudmundur Sigurjonsson, invited to compete with the best and most promising IMs and FMs of Great Britain: Anthony Miles, John Nunn, Jeff Horner, Maxwell Fuller, Michael Basman, Craig Pritchett, and Simon Webb. Miles won the event scoring 3 points against four of the visiting grandmasters. The following year he would become a grand ... [more]

Player: Tony Miles

 page 1 of 1; 10 games  PGN Download 
Game  ResultMoves YearEvent/LocaleOpening
1. Miles vs Adorjan  1-0381975LondonA36 English
2. J Horner vs Miles  0-1571975LondonB30 Sicilian
3. Miles vs C Pritchett  ½-½161975LondonA07 King's Indian Attack
4. M Fuller vs Miles  0-1381975LondonB32 Sicilian
5. Miles vs Nunn  ½-½161975LondonA15 English
6. G Sigurjonsson vs Miles  0-1431975LondonB30 Sicilian
7. Miles vs Timman  0-1341975LondonA15 English
8. Sax vs Miles 0-1471975LondonB30 Sicilian
9. Miles vs M Basman  1-0411975LondonB00 Uncommon King's Pawn Opening
10. S Webb vs Miles  ½-½251975LondonA04 Reti Opening
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Miles wins | Miles loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
Jun-06-17  I Like Fish: you say goodbye....
and i say hello...
hello hello...
Jun-06-17  Howard: Why a posting here? Viktor wasn't even in this event.
Premium Chessgames Member
  OhioChessFan: And it's not even in Europe.

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