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Mate Bagi

Number of games in database: 88
Years covered: 2010 to 2022
Last FIDE rating: 2426 (2420 rapid, 2377 blitz)
Highest rating achieved in database: 2478
Overall record: +25 -10 =45 (59.4%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games in the database. 8 exhibition games, blitz/rapid, odds games, etc. are excluded from this statistic.

With the White pieces:
 Sicilian (16) 
    B53 B76 B28 B27 B90
 French Defense (11) 
    C11 C01 C00 C18
 Four Knights (6) 
    C47 C48
 French (6) 
    C11 C00
 Ruy Lopez (4) 
    C77 C75 C63
With the Black pieces:
 Grunfeld (9) 
    D70 D85 D79 D71 D91
 Ruy Lopez (6) 
    C77 C95 C85 C90 C92
 Queen's Pawn Game (5) 
    A45 A50 D02
 Ruy Lopez, Closed (5) 
    C95 C85 C90 C92 C91
 English, 1 c4 c5 (4) 
    A34 A31 A30
Repertoire Explorer

NOTABLE GAMES: [what is this?]
   M Bagi vs Nisipeanu, 2022 1/2-1/2
   M Bagi vs P Roberts, 2015 1-0
   R Akeya-Price vs M Bagi, 2020 0-1
   K Eliasson vs M Bagi, 2014 0-1

NOTABLE TOURNAMENTS: [what is this?]
   Hastings 2019/20 (2019)
   Hastings 2015/16 (2015)
   Graz Open-A (2015)
   Reykjavik Open (2014)
   European Club Cup (2018)
   Graz Open-A (2016)

   🏆 37th European Chess Club Cup
   M Fedorovsky vs M Bagi (Oct-09-22) 0-1
   M Bagi vs N Steinberg (Oct-07-22) 1/2-1/2
   M Bagi vs Nisipeanu (Oct-04-22) 1/2-1/2
   A Kiss vs M Bagi (Dec-19-21) 0-1
   G Kantor vs M Bagi (Jan-05-20) 1/2-1/2

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FIDE player card for Mate Bagi

(born Jan-03-1995, 29 years old) Hungary

[what is this?]

He became a FIDE Master in 2011 and an International Master in 2015.

Last updated: 2024-01-03 09:27:04

Try our new games table.

 page 1 of 4; games 1-25 of 88  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves YearEvent/LocaleOpening
1. B Martini vs M Bagi  ½-½492010First Saturday May IM-AD02 Queen's Pawn Game
2. R Markus vs M Bagi  1-0352012HUN-chT 2012/13E61 King's Indian
3. M Bagi vs B Lalic  ½-½172012FSGM DecemberC01 French, Exchange
4. M Bagi vs A Czebe  ½-½252012FSGM DecemberC75 Ruy Lopez, Modern Steinitz Defense
5. A Franco vs M Bagi  ½-½602012FSGM DecemberA16 English
6. M Bagi vs I Farago  ½-½312013TCh-HUN 2012-13C01 French, Exchange
7. M Bagi vs L Rindlisbacher  ½-½622013European Youth Team ChB82 Sicilian, Scheveningen
8. M Bagi vs P Idani  ½-½422013FSGM AugustB90 Sicilian, Najdorf
9. M Bagi vs B Csonka  ½-½162014TCh-HUN 2013-14D12 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
10. M Bagi vs T Finnbogadottir  0-1422014Reykjavik OpenB27 Sicilian
11. K Eliasson vs M Bagi  0-1222014Reykjavik OpenC45 Scotch Game
12. M Bagi vs J Mehringer  1-0482014Reykjavik OpenC63 Ruy Lopez, Schliemann Defense
13. T Hellwig vs M Bagi  0-1722014Reykjavik OpenA45 Queen's Pawn Game
14. M Bagi vs B Haldorsen  1-0342014Reykjavik OpenC77 Ruy Lopez
15. H S Gretarsson vs M Bagi  ½-½392014Reykjavik OpenD70 Neo-Grunfeld Defense
16. M Bagi vs H Danielsen  ½-½562014Reykjavik OpenB01 Scandinavian
17. V Hamitevici vs M Bagi  ½-½632014Reykjavik OpenD07 Queen's Gambit Declined, Chigorin Defense
18. M Bagi vs M Molner  0-1262014Reykjavik OpenA45 Queen's Pawn Game
19. R Singer vs M Bagi  0-1512015Graz Open-AD03 Torre Attack (Tartakower Variation)
20. M Bagi vs Pichot  ½-½262015Graz Open-AB28 Sicilian, O'Kelly Variation
21. M Bagi vs F Rambaldi  ½-½172015Graz Open-AC11 French
22. D Popovic vs M Bagi  ½-½372015Graz Open-AC91 Ruy Lopez, Closed
23. R R Ankit vs M Bagi  1-0522015Graz Open-AC55 Two Knights Defense
24. M Bagi vs K Ozturk  ½-½772015Graz Open-AC58 Two Knights
25. M C Huber vs M Bagi  ½-½412015Graz Open-AD85 Grunfeld
 page 1 of 4; games 1-25 of 88  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | Bagi wins | Bagi loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
Premium Chessgames Member
  Sally Simpson: ***

White should have played out the mate. It's a bauty.

Mate Bagi - Vadim Zvjaginsev
European Club Cup 2019 round 02

click for larger view

White to play resigned.

The finish is 62. d7 Kf5 63. d8=Q Rh6+ 64. Bxh6 g6 mate.

click for larger view


Premium Chessgames Member
  keypusher: And if it's ever GOTD, we can just call it "Mate Bagi."
Premium Chessgames Member
  Sally Simpson: HI K.P.

anagram 'A Big Mate'

Premium Chessgames Member
  keypusher: <Sally> Too abstruse. :-) Thanks for pointing this out!
Premium Chessgames Member
  Sally Simpson: Hopefully the full game will end up here and we can do this all again. Except next time I'll spell 'beauty' correctly.
Nov-14-19  areknames: Should be GOTD by virtue of the final postion. <A Big Mate> would be an ideal pun, 'I bag Mate' is inferior but could perhaps work.
Premium Chessgames Member
  Sally Simpson: I have submitted the full game, hopefully C.G. will pick it up.

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