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Frank de la Paz Perdomo

Number of games in database: 198
Years covered: 1994 to 2012
Last FIDE rating: 2445 (2481 rapid, 2436 blitz)
Highest rating achieved in database: 2495
Overall record: +63 -56 =78 (51.8%)*
   * Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games in the database. 1 exhibition game, blitz/rapid, odds game, etc. is excluded from this statistic.

With the White pieces:
 Sicilian (50) 
    B90 B30 B96 B81 B62
 Sicilian Najdorf (16) 
    B90 B96 B98 B97
 French Defense (15) 
    C03 C05 C07 C10
 French Tarrasch (13) 
    C03 C05 C07
 Giuoco Piano (7) 
    C53 C50
 Sicilian Taimanov (7) 
    B48 B45 B46
With the Black pieces:
 King's Indian (30) 
    E94 E92 E81 E91 E66
 Ruy Lopez (27) 
    C65 C64 C84 C92 C77
 Ruy Lopez, Closed (10) 
    C92 C84 C91 C85
 Philidor's Defense (7) 
 Giuoco Piano (7) 
    C53 C50
 English (4) 
Repertoire Explorer

NOTABLE GAMES: [what is this?]
   F de la Paz Perdomo vs A H Wohl, 2001 1-0
   R Fernandes vs F de la Paz Perdomo, 2005 0-1
   R Quesada vs F de la Paz Perdomo, 2001 0-1
   I Herrera vs F de la Paz Perdomo, 2001 0-1

NOTABLE TOURNAMENTS: [what is this?]
   Cuban Championship (2001)
   Carlos Torre Memorial (2005)
   Capablanca mem Elite 34th (1999)
   XI Anibal Open (2005)
   Morelia Open (2007)
   Andorra Open (2001)
   Canadian Open (2007)

GAME COLLECTIONS: [what is this?]
   2004 Capablanca memorial (group II) by gauer

   🏆 XXIV Carlos Torre Magistral
   F de la Paz Perdomo vs J Nogueiras (Dec-17-12) 0-1
   F de la Paz Perdomo vs M Leon Hoyos (Dec-15-12) 0-1
   F de la Paz Perdomo vs Y Quesada Perez (Nov-24-12) 1-0

Search Sacrifice Explorer for Frank de la Paz Perdomo
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FIDE player card for Frank de la Paz Perdomo

(born May-24-1975, 48 years old) Cuba

[what is this?]

Frank De La Paz Perdomo was awarded the Grandmaster title in 2004. He qualified to play in the World Cup (2011) because of his results in the 2011 American Continental Championship, but bowed out to Azeri GM Teimour Radjabov in the first round.

Wikipedia article: Frank De La Paz Perdomo

Last updated: 2022-05-24 06:57:44

Try our new games table.

 page 1 of 8; games 1-25 of 198  PGN Download
Game  ResultMoves YearEvent/LocaleOpening
1. A Antunes vs F de la Paz Perdomo  1-0301994Havana opE66 King's Indian, Fianchetto, Yugoslav Panno
2. F de la Paz Perdomo vs B Lugo  0-1401994Habana (Cuba)C53 Giuoco Piano
3. R Gonzalez vs F de la Paz Perdomo  ½-½491996Santa ClaraC64 Ruy Lopez, Classical
4. F de la Paz Perdomo vs R Gonzalez  0-1391997Union de ReyesB76 Sicilian, Dragon, Yugoslav Attack
5. R Gonzalez vs F de la Paz Perdomo  1-0321997Capablanca Premier-A 32ndC41 Philidor Defense
6. F de la Paz Perdomo vs A Rodriguez Cespedes  ½-½411998CUB-chB96 Sicilian, Najdorf
7. F de la Paz Perdomo vs N Gamboa  1-0401998Garcia mem MastersB30 Sicilian
8. F de la Paz Perdomo vs D Hergott  ½-½501998Elista OlympiadC10 French
9. F de la Paz Perdomo vs Sadvakasov  ½-½611998Elista OlympiadB98 Sicilian, Najdorf
10. Sadvakasov vs F de la Paz Perdomo  ½-½221999Guillermo Garcia mem-AC53 Giuoco Piano
11. R Gonzalez vs F de la Paz Perdomo  1-0431999CUB-chA07 King's Indian Attack
12. F de la Paz Perdomo vs L Bruzon Batista  ½-½801999Capablanca mem Elite 34thB90 Sicilian, Najdorf
13. L Comas Fabrego vs F de la Paz Perdomo  0-1251999Capablanca mem Elite 34thA00 Uncommon Opening
14. F de la Paz Perdomo vs Miles  ½-½131999Capablanca mem Elite 34thB04 Alekhine's Defense, Modern
15. R Slobodjan vs F de la Paz Perdomo  1-0451999Capablanca mem Elite 34thC53 Giuoco Piano
16. F de la Paz Perdomo vs A Baburin  0-1381999Capablanca mem Elite 34thB04 Alekhine's Defense, Modern
17. R Vera vs F de la Paz Perdomo  1-0431999Capablanca mem Elite 34thE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
18. F de la Paz Perdomo vs W Arencibia Rodriguez  0-1221999Capablanca mem Elite 34thB98 Sicilian, Najdorf
19. F de la Paz Perdomo vs M Godena  ½-½451999Capablanca mem Elite 34thC55 Two Knights Defense
20. J Nogueiras vs F de la Paz Perdomo  ½-½91999Capablanca mem Elite 34thE92 King's Indian
21. F de la Paz Perdomo vs J Becerra Rivero  0-1541999Capablanca mem Elite 34thB31 Sicilian, Rossolimo Variation
22. F de la Paz Perdomo vs A Hoffman  1-0401999Capablanca mem Elite 34thC03 French, Tarrasch
23. S Atalik vs F de la Paz Perdomo  ½-½311999Capablanca mem Elite 34thE94 King's Indian, Orthodox
24. F de la Paz Perdomo vs N Gamboa  ½-½231999Guillermo Garcia mem-AB01 Scandinavian
25. F de la Paz Perdomo vs J Arencibia  ½-½292000Capablanca mem Premier II 35thB18 Caro-Kann, Classical
 page 1 of 8; games 1-25 of 198  PGN Download
  REFINE SEARCH:   White wins (1-0) | Black wins (0-1) | Draws (1/2-1/2) | de la Paz Perdomo wins | de la Paz Perdomo loses  

Kibitzer's Corner
Feb-14-09  number 23 NBer: Isn't this guy a grandmaster? You'd think someone would have already posted on his page.


Eh-hem. "First!"

Nov-01-11  twinlark: Hmmm..second!
Nov-01-11  wordfunph: tercero!

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